Friends of NDGS Paleo



General FAQ

Registration for the 2025 Public Fossil Digs will open on February 1st, 2025.

Tickets sell out extremely fast! Like, 10 minutes fast! So be sure to set a calendar reminder for 10:00AM CST on 2/1/2025.

If you are interested in getting access to early registration, check out our Dig Supporters donor program for more information.
Tickets for the Public Fossil Digs are available online only through Eventbrite starting February 1st, 2025 at:
If you make a donation to the Dig Supporter program, you will get access to early registration, which guarantees you will be able to sign up for a dig. Exact dates not guaranteed.

Dig Supporter spots are limited so sign up today! Dig Supporter page.


Dig Supporters FAQ

Dig Supporters help support the Public Fossil Digs by donating at different tiers of support. As a thank you, Dig Supporters are granted access to early registration for the digs.
October 1st, 2024 – Registration opens for current Dig Supporters online.
October 7th, 2024 – Registration opens for Paleo Pal Members and past Dig Supporters online.
October 15th, 2024 – Registration opens to the public online.
You can sign-up online on the Dig Supporters page.

Note: Online sign-ups begin on October 15th for the public.
Current Dig Supporters will receive an email code on October 1st to access the sign up page.

Paleo Pals and past Dig Supporters will receive an email code on October 7th to access the sign up page.


Paleo Pals FAQ

Paleo Pals is an annual membership program that helps raise money to support the Public Fossil Digs and paleontology in North Dakota.
Paleo Pal memberships are $30 for an Individual membership and $50 for a Family membership.
Members get great benefits!
•Certificate of Appreciation
•Exclusive NDGS Paleo Pal sticker (FOUR for Family memberships!)
•Members-only newsletter
•Access to members-only events
•Be the first to know about Public Fossil Dig dates & details!
Without the membership program, we would have to charge a lot more for tickets to cover the cost of supplies, transportation costs, the summer intern, etc.

Your support helps us keep the digs the lowest price in the country so more people are able to experience this affordable program.
You can sign up online on our Paleo Pals page!